Beautiful coincidence is life.
We are born and gradually learn to crawl, speak and walk. We try hard to succedd and be better than others and some compete to be better version of thenselves. After all of this, what is going to happen at the end?
We simply die ??? Is that the whole purpose of this universe spending so much of energy in creating life, so that it would end one day ?? It does not make sense to me. Should we do better and try hard to be the best , cause every thing is going to end one day . Or, we do something basic and live our life happily and do what you wanted to do in life and die happily. But then again question would arise, what if you love being in the competition and love the hustle of life and die in peace. It depends on each person how would you want to handle your life.
There must be something big behind the coincidences that happended billion of years ago with Big Bang. There has been series of coincidences to reach to the point where we are today. Lots of volcanos has erutped, many lives has been extinct , just to make our life to stand where we are today. Do we even think our deeds and actions today would lead to somewhere in the future. Now it depends on us if we want to direct the future where we wont even exist be beautiful place to live for forthcoming generation or make it a hell for them .
Again coming to the point of our existence. Is it a path we are paving for something big to happen in the future?? All the moves happening today , will shape tomorrow, just like our todays are shaped by history.
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